USA, CA - Lissette Sandoval

I am a Kamadon Master, Certified Facilitator Practitioner for levels 1 to 5.3 of the Melchizedek Method, and I am a practitioner of the Kamadon Holographic Healing Technique, Certified Massage Therepist, Reiki Master, Heart and Soul Healing, Sacred Shakti, Spiritual Response Therapy. 

The courses will be taught in spanish. Manuals and activatons also in spanish. I reside in California, U.S.A., where I teach and give one-on-one sessions and also long distance therapy.

I am willing to travel Interstate, Mexico, Central and South America.

I can be contacted via the following adresses;

Lissette Sandoval
or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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