USA, AZ, Chandler - Janet Houser





 A Message From Janet…

"After twenty-five years on the spiritual path, the Melchizedek Method has brought every spiritual study and healing technique that I have ever explored (and there have been many!) into a focused whole, where everything makes sense and fits together into a perfect puzzle. It all comes together in the Melchizedek Method.I hope you will allow me to joyously share my wisdom, knowledge, and teaching expertise with you in this most incredible gift to humanity." 

Janet Houser is a certified facilitator and practitioner of the Melchizedek Method, Levels One and Two Combined, Level Three, Level 4 and Level 5. As an outstanding and loving, experienced teacher, she brings to you the cutting edge of the latest techniques in body health, harmony, age reversal, manifesting abundance, light body activation, and spiritual ascension. She regularly teaches either four-day seminars or two consecutive weekend seminars. She also offers Melchizedek Method treatments and long-distance healing in her healing practice in Chandler, Arizona.

In Janet's words: "I invite you to come experience these wonderful treasures of the spirit with me in a four-day practitioner workshop. YOU HAVE TO EXPERIENCE IT TO BELIEVE IT! Teaching and healing are my greatest joys, and I look forward to sharing these joys with you. I will help you to remember your divinity and greatness. I will serve as a guide to support you through this spiritual journey with warmth, love, gentleness, humor, sacredness, clarity, outstanding teaching skills, honor, and joy. Your heart will open to unconditional love and cosmic consciousness. You will never again be alone."

Janet specializes in empowering people. She helps people on their Journey to Self-Empowerment by serving as a Life Coach, Spiritual Counselor, Jin Shin JyutsuÒ practitioner (an ancient oriental healing art that balances and revitalizes energy of the mind, body and spirit), non-denominational minister, numerologist, soul connections specialist, teacher of metaphysical and ascension classes, and wellness expert. She is also the published author of Self-Mastery Through the Twelve Rays (ISBN: 0-595-19318-8, available through, 1-877-823-9235)

Janet's credentials include a Master's Degree in Business Administration and a Bachelor's Degree in Education. She has served as a college professor in the past and has transferred her extensive teaching expertise to helping others achieve spiritual and personal transformation.

Janet is certified to teach all MM Levels 1 through to 5.
You may reach Janet by calling (480) 592-0622)
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