PORTO ALEGRE - Nilo Arnaldo Beck
My name is Nilo Arnaldo Beck and I live in Porto Alegre/RS-Brazil.
Since 1994 I have worked with Ascension Consciousness, on behalf of the Ascension Masters Spiritual Hierarchy, doing workshops, lectures, activations, meditations, Love, Light, Wisdom, Power, Christ Consciousness awakenings on Planetary and Cosmic Ascension, Antakarana Light Body construction, Integrated Ascension Bodies mastering, Inner Plane Ascension Ashrams bilocations, incorporating Sacred Geometry, Merkabah, Kaballah, Course in Miracles and Keys of Enoch teachings, in nationwide Brazil and Portugal.
I hold Melchizedek Method workshops on all the 5 Levels in nationwide Brazil and Portugal, as a Certificate Level 5 Facilitator obtained in November 2003 in Dallas, USA, with Alton Kamadon.
I give Ascension Readings counseling sessions to help realize the spiritual and personal ascension journey and to improve the evolutionary path, accessing person’s Higher Self and I Am Presence under guidance of Spiritual Masters, Archangelic, Angelic, Elemental and Etheric Realms and eventual other dimensional consciousness.
I also do spiritual and energetic healing and balancing with integrated therapies and working with Pleiadeans and Archturians lightworkers.
I have an Official Ascension Class Teacher credential from MSLA of Dr. Joshua David Stone. I also have an Inner Plane status of Minister of Love and Light ordained within the Sacred Ancient Order of Melchizedek, under the spiritual authority of Lord Melchizedek and the Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy by the MSLA and the legal earthly Universal Life Church.
Every year I preside Wesak Celebrations at energetic spots of the country. I have translated and interpreted the Melchizedek Method Workshops Manuals into Portuguese language for Brazil.
Workshops: Level 1&2 Combined, Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5Facilitator/register: Nilo Arnaldo Beck (A5.0 418)
Country: Brazil (nationwide) and Portugal
Office: Porto Alegre/RS
Contact phones:
+ 55 (51) 469-4033
+ 55 (51) 3227-8968
+ 55 (51) 9222-4365 (mobile)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.