CHILE - Elizabeth Paz González & Roberto Acuña Hormazábal

 Elizabeth Paz González & Roberto Acuña Hormazábal

Facilitators with International Registrationl
Registration No. AR L5 1005 y AR L5 1006
Based in: Viña del Mar - Chile

Both therapists are Melchizedek Method since 2006. The results achieved in their therapies have led to a profound change in their patients, allowing them to reach a loving knowledge of themselves.

The Unconditional Love has captivated these therapists, allowing them, improve and give to their patients, Light, Harmony and Healing.

In September 2008 are formed by Scott Terril (Director Kamadon Academy-Australia) as officials facilitators for the Melchizedek Method Levels 1 & 2, 3, 4 and 5.

The day they received their certificates as Facilitators, both joined the commitment to continue to transmit these lessons from the heart, center of Unconditional Love, within the highest possible honor and integrity in respect for all humanity.

Thanks Alton Kamadon........

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phones: (56)(32) 2397249 / Mobile 09-5293621

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