Hada Alicia Escobar M.
Register Number: AR L5 1007
I studied Chemical Engineer, and worked in this area for 8 years. I decided to switch to the healing area in a full time manner on 2005. I felt my internal call to be part of the change needed on the human race and I stood up for it. I understand the limitations that our modern science has and I also believe that we built our universe with each thought and emotion we have. I studied and become a Reiki Master, also I had diplomas in Crystaloteraphy, Logotherapy, natural medicine and floral essences, but the most amazing teaching that I had (for my personal development) was the Melchizedek Method, within I could liberate myself of many traumas and problems, and my life started to change so quickly and in a loving manner that I am compel to teach it as a way for me to give back to the universe the benefits of this wonderful instrument. We found Universo Holistico in 2005, a school committed to teach in a responsible manner the healing techniques, in which The Melchizedek Method is our pillar.
Come and join us in this wonderful experience of learning together about love and compassion.
Regards, Hada Escobar
Phone: +52(55)5025-9313 and +52(55)1992-4337
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