MALAYSIA, Penang - Tania Kamadon (Teh)

 INVITATION ..... to my sacred home (Penang, Malaysia) where many have proclaimed it to be an energy vortex, where energies are beautiful and initiations are intense and successfully imparted, where previously uninitiated participants become clairvoyant before they leave. It is situated near to beach hotels. Workshops are held indoors and outdoors where magical birds may join us and delight in flying round the activated Merkabah fields.

A Zenith Kamadon Master Healer, Tania has worked with various metaphysical techniques extensively and is a powerful manifester, healer and a compassionate teacher. She travels globally, participating in Equinox activations and planetary healings. She constantly uses holograms of love in her daily life. Her life is filled with wondrous miraculous happenings and in her own words, “I feel like a Genie!”

With beautiful experiences to share with fellow soulmates, together with her Corporate Trainer and Consultant background, her workshops are attention grabbing, fun and results oriented. Tania was a gold medallist Food Technologist and Fitness Trainer. She is a high achiever believing in being one’s best, balanced with her warm, nurturing personality, good sense of humor, emphatic passion.

HER MOTTO is to love and love and love ... limitless ....

LANGUAGES: English, Malay, Mandarin      Dialects: Hokkien, Cantonese, Khek

Workshops are conducted primarily in English with interjections of the various languages and dialects in betweens whenever necessary.

AVAILABILITY for the 5 levels of Melchizedek Method Worldwide for groups

Locally will joyfully assist overseas participants in recommending and booking of affordable accomodations and transportations to workshop.

MY CONTACT- ask for the next upcoming workshops and if you have questions ...

Telephone: 6-012-6315512
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Looking forward to a beautiful REUNION with you!

Testimonials from Tania's workshop participants:

Hello Fellow Melchizedekians,

I have just finished MM Levels I, II, and III with our very dear Tania. My gratitude to Spirit for sending such a talented and loving teacher cannot be expressed enough. She is an endless pool of wisdom, love and patience. Taking her workshop has been life altering. I will not and cannot ever be the same. I have soared to wonderous heights I could only have dreamed of before taking her class. I have also discovered abilities and talents that have been hidden within me for eons. She is a FANTASTIC facilitator for MM! I would recommend in an instant to take any class she offers. She patiently explains the material clearly and thoroughly until you 'get it' and can fully experience the wisdom the workshop has to offer.

And her Tea Breaks are amazing! Yum, Yum, Yummmmmm!

Bountiful Blessings,

Cathy Olden
Hayden, Idaho USA

Taking Melchizedek Method Levels 1-3 changed my life in that it opened my awareness to the ability to cure physical problems that I had felt were beyond a person's control. No longer do I feel that pain & discomfort are something I just have to live with or go repeatedly for treatment to a medical professional. I can now know that I can rebalance my own bodily energies & cure myself quickly of pain & discomfort. I started doing it during the classes and continue to do it daily with consistent results. This is truly a priceless gift.

I also found that dealing with extreme stress (in my case, the consequences of my father's stroke on both my father & mother) has become possible with a degree of calm & control I would not have thought possible before the classes.
There is one other intangible that has to be mentioned. Being around Tania is a real blast! Her energy & attitude are a palpable high. You have to experience it to believe it!

It feels great to write to you again. Expect more soon.

Love & happiness,

The Melchizedik Method course at Level 1 & 2 are very spiritual and very effective for a beginner like me.

Ms Tania Kamadon is one of the best facilitators here in Asia who can transfer all these sacred knowledge to the attendees (including myself) in a simple form that enable us to understand and learn easily and quickly.

She is very warm, friendly, patient, dedicated and kind. She is also very knowledgeable and experience in this area of spirituality. She is very competent and her presentation skills are first class.

I would recommend anyone, without any hesistation, who are fortunate enough to learn about this The Melchizedik Method course, to attend these courses conducted by Ms Tania Kamadon.

Finally I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Tania for her amazing and effective contributions to our success in learning The Melchizedik Method Level 1 & 2.

I also look forward to attending your Level 3 course in the nearest future.

Best wishes
Anthony Wong, Singapore

What an amazing experience I had with Tania at the  helm of facilitating the Melchizedek Method Level 1&2  course! Reading the list of benefits of MM from a  brochure cannot be compared with what I experienced.  It was much, much more. Tania's 3-day course empowered  me with a quantum leap of divine awareness,  experiences and immediate powerful practical  applications. I felt intensely infused with loving  energy throughout the course. It was such a joyful and  effective learning experience because of Tania's  loving guidance. I am blessed to have Tania not only  as the facilitator, but also as a mentor, for Tania is  a walking example of what it means to live our life in  daily divinity, humility and a good dose of laughter!  

Stella Penang , Malaysia

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