AUSTRALIA, VIC, Fitzroy - Allan Wishart

Allan's journey into awareness of the higher realms of existence and expression of unconditional love has taken him toTibetan and Indian spirituality, to metaphysics and to The Melchizedek Method early in 1998. He has participated in all Alton's Melbourne workshops to Level 4 and joined Alton in the Hologram of Love work in Egypt in 1999 and in the Hawaii and Uluru Equinox events this year.

He currently works as a finance advisor concerning re-investment of funds in a large Australian company and utilises his engineering background in that role. Allan is always happy to share time with people interested in exploring and using the Melchizedek Method tools and skills

Allan may be contacted by phone at +61 3 9419 4438 or via e-mail at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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